„Canned Koi Russian Dream“
120 x 100 cm, oil on canvas

Amidst the backdrop of the Russian onslaught on Ukraine, Europe reveals a tableau of mixed reactions. Nations offering aid stand in contrast to those paralyzed by anxiety. Germany is depicted ducking away; Austria, with a calculated nonchalance, ostentatiously looks in another direction; France waves a torn, white flag, emblematic of a hopeful yet feeble resistance.
The Russian Bear, menacing and unyielding, stretches out its paw with an air of dominion. Fishbones scatter in the wake of its power, painting a scene of silent havoc. Above, the Tsar’s crown hovers, with the symbol ‘Z’ marking the emblem of invasion. The Russian flag drapes over the fish can, a stark reminder of territorial encroachment.
A sinister dance of blood, reminiscent of an oil spill, seeps menacingly from the scene of conflict, its dark tendrils reaching out to the smaller, seemingly insignificant fish cans, encapsulating them in a narrative of pervasive influence and silent threat.